Holy Cross are Mount Pearl to play in Masters Playdowns
It's a given, the masters team which will represent the province of Newfoundland and Labrador team in 2010 will be either Holy Cross or Mount Pearl. These are the only two teams that have registered to play in the masters playdown which are scheduled for this weekend. The winner of this tournament is to advance to the Eastern Canadian Masters Championships which are to be played in Halifax, Nova Scotia from October 8 -11. Mount Pearl are the defending Provincial Champs and they were seeded 5th at the Eastern Canadian Championships in 2009.
The Favorites
Looking at the current standings, in the St. John's League, Mount Pearl are certainly the favorites going into the best two out of three affair this weekend. To date in 2010 Mount Pearl haven't lost a single game in 13 matches. They are presently supporting a 12 win - 1 tie record. While Holy Cross are currently in second place, supporting a 9 win, 4 loss record. The first game this weekend is scheduled for Saturday evening at 6 pm, in Mount Pearl. Game two is scheduled for KGV in St. John's at 8:30 pm on Sunday evening. The particulars on a Game 3 will be decided if the game is required. The All- NL Masters Provincial Championship is slated for Paradise on September 17-19 weekend.
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