Middle Cove Beach, NL - Newfoundland is blessed with some of
best people and most scenic places in all of
the world

Myself and my son Mark visit the look -out
in Middle Cove

Mark - "Hang in There !"

A regular occurrence at our soccer skills contest was
"Retrieving the ball from the ocean"
Wedding Soccer Skills Contes

Location: Middle Cove
Date: July 8, 2010
Cost : $5.00 per person
Winner's Price = $100.00

Winner - Darin Dunphy - 87 dribbles
*Darin was a great soccer player in his day. Growing up in St.Lawrence he had a great minor career while playing with St.Lawrence, Burin Peninsula All-Star and Provincial All-Star Teams. He also played with MUN and the University of Winnipeg. He also played with the St. Lawrence Senior Laurentians in the1980's and 90's and was a member of 4 Challenge Cup Championships.
* St.Lawrence never ever had better back line than the foursome of:
Scott Bishop (RWB), Darin Dunphy (CB), Bob Spearns (CB ) and Norbet Doyle (LWB)
* Darin now resides in Grande Prairie, Alberta with his wife, Sherrie
and two son's , Darin Jr. and Luke

Youngest contestant - Tyson Smith
My sister Velma's Grandson

Mark Dunphy - my son

Your's truly

Gordie Dunphy - My nephew

Richard Smith - my nephew

Gearld Mallay Jr. - My nethew

Gerald Mallay - My Brother -In - Law

Matt McKay - My New Son -In - Law

Adam Burton - My Son -In - Law's
Will's Brother

Brendan Burton - My Son -In - Law's
Will's other Brother

Jocelyn Dunphy - My wife

Allison Dunphy - My youngest daughter

Lori McKay - My daughter - Married : July 2, 2010

Darin Dunphy Jr. - My nephew

Darin Dunphy Jr's - Girlfriend : Brianni

Luke Dunphy - My Nephew

Marsha Kelly - My niece

Mitch Rand - Nunvut : Friend of the Brides
All In Good Fun !
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